Real Food.
I asked my surgeon in Oregon, is it better if I take nutrient supplements rather than eat real food? He told me it's better that I eat real food. I think fresh, unprocessed real food is difficult to eat in this modern age being so busy. I probably was eating too much processed foods like sausage and sweet bread. Processed meat has sodium nitrite and sweet bread has emulsifier in them most of time. My husband does a good job at growing organic vegetables. I try to eat more vegetables and fresh fish or other meats with brown rice or buckwheat noodles. I try to eat nuts and/or fruits for my snacks. If I have cravings to eat other things, I try to eat less of it and make sure they have fewer than 2 preservative in the ingredients. I will talk about preservatives later on. However, I was very surprised that there are so many preservatives that are put into our food these days. Since my illness, I always look carefully at the package to know what the food is made from. I often times want to eat bread. Most of the bread in Japan is made from processed flower. I miss organic wholewheat bread from the US. There are many kinds of tasty foods in Japan. I hope it will be healthy and that I will be able to enjoy these tasty foods in the future.
それが原因か、便秘が続いたことが原因か、(私の中では便秘=死というイメージ)不安な気持ちが強くなり、物事を普通に考えられなくなってしまったので す。とにかく誰かといないと不安になりました。ファミリードクターやフィジカルセラピーのドクターサリバンからは眠るために、処方されている抗不安剤ザナックス0.5mgを夜飲むように言われました。この薬を飲むと本当に不安な気持ちがおさまり夜は5時間ですが眠ることができました。ただこの薬は癖になることを知っていたので、最初から飲むのは半分か4分の1にしたのですが、辞めるのはかなり大変でした。
I had another problem
as well. Due to having a full hysterectomy
along with my colon surgery, I was experiencing a hormonal disorder. My hormones had doubled that of normal women
and I could not sleep for a while. I
began to experience anxiety and it was difficult for me to think normally. I felt very uneasy if I was alone. My physical therapy and family doctors both
told me to drink anxiolytics to reduce my anxiety and so I could sleep
better. When I finally got to taking
this medication I was able to sleep for 5 hours a night. I researched the prescribed medicine, xanax and found that it can become addictive.
So I started taking only a quarter of a dose and eventually change to
melatonin. At the same time during the
days I tried to remain busy so I could fill my head with what I was doing
instead of feeling anxious. I also
needed to keep changing my hormone patch.
After I had received
the balloon dilation I was afraid to eat.
My weight before surgery was 43kg.
I was now down to 36kg. I felt
the need to exercise daily so I did so.
While I exercised I had severe lower back pain. I started going to physical therapy, which
was covered by my insurance. I went to
the only place where physical therapy was covered by my California insurance. First the physical therapy doctor checked my
physical condition. It was not so good
and she told me not to exercise and to rest my body. She even told me to use the electric
wheelchairs the store provided while I went shopping. I was resting for quite awhile. I started to drink a smoothie that the
dietitian recommended. I eventually
brought my weight back up to 40kg. Up to
that point, I did not listen to my body.
I was doing what my mind thought I should do.
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