

それが原因か、便秘が続いたことが原因か、(私の中では便秘=死というイメージ)不安な気持ちが強くなり、物事を普通に考えられなくなってしまったので す。とにかく誰かといないと不安になりました。ファミリードクターやフィジカルセラピーのドクターサリバンからは眠るために、処方されている抗不安剤ザナックス0.5mgを夜飲むように言われました。この薬を飲むと本当に不安な気持ちがおさまり夜は5時間ですが眠ることができました。ただこの薬は癖になることを知っていたので、最初から飲むのは半分か4分の1にしたのですが、辞めるのはかなり大変でした。

I had another problem as well.  Due to having a full hysterectomy along with my colon surgery, I was experiencing a hormonal disorder.  My hormones had doubled that of normal women and I could not sleep for a while.  I began to experience anxiety and it was difficult for me to think normally.  I felt very uneasy if I was alone.  My physical therapy and family doctors both told me to drink anxiolytics to reduce my anxiety and so I could sleep better.  When I finally got to taking this medication I was able to sleep for 5 hours a night.   I researched the prescribed medicine, xanax and found that it can become addictive.  So I started taking only a quarter of a dose and eventually change to melatonin.  At the same time during the days I tried to remain busy so I could fill my head with what I was doing instead of feeling anxious.  I also needed to keep changing my hormone patch.

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